Chateau De Tavers  "The Party Chateau"
Q: Why are you called "The Party Chateau"?
A: Tavers is traditionally well-known as home to many of INSEAD's coolest parties (e.g.most National Week Parties are held at Tavers). This year, we had the Bain Party to celebrate the beginning of the year and it was a blast! On top of that, every week we have the traditional Tavers dinner cooked by the maid where guests join us for good food, music and wine!

Q: How many rooms are there? Are they in different buildings?
A: There are in total 15 bedrooms, including the west wing, the east wing and the legendary tower. On the social side we have the 3 kitchens, a living room, the dining / ballroom, a game room and the coolest basement in France (check the pics). One upside to it being a big house is that it allows people get along with each other.

Q: What does the Chateau looks like? Can I see some pictures?
A: For pictures of the Chateau, visit the pictures page
*pictures of the parties are confidential, as per our motto: What happens in Tavers STAYS IN TAVERS

Q: Do you have internet?
A: Absolutely yes. We have two very robust wi-fi networks and connection speed is perfectly good to watch videos, talk on Skype, etc. Internet is included in the rent.

Q: I want my own bathroom!
A: Every room has is own private bathroom, sink and shower. Some of them even have a bathtub!

Q: Will I need  a car?
A: Yes, most people get a car. Some of them share (which is ok if you are in the same section), but most people appreciate to have their freedom of coming and going. usually it takes around 20 min to get to campus, but there are reports of people making it in 12 min*

Q: Ok, how much does it cost and what does it include?
A: Rents are calculated on a monthly basis, but historically it has been around 750 EURO since Napoleon was emperor of France. It includes:

·         The rent

·         All utilities: Water, gas, electricity

·         Internet

·         Cleaning

·         Weekly dinners cooked by the maid

·         Laundry AND IRONING (sweet!)

Q: Sounds cool! How do I get in?
A: We ask the people who are interested to send an e-mail ([email protected]) to allow us to get to know you a little better, saying why you want to live at Tavers and how would you help make it even more cool! PS: Also mention if you plan to go to SGP, and when (ex: P3-P4).

Q:You say you have a sauna in Tavers, that sounds crazy, is that really true?
A: Yes this is a new feature in Tavers and we are the only Chateau at INSEAD that has a large traditionally built Finnish sauna. This is the best way to relax after a tough day on Campus and it also provides the best cure against hangovers

Q: Can I visit and take a look? 
A: Sure, just drop us a line!

PS: In case of any doubts, please contact us at [email protected]